Morph4Sys Blog
A collection of ideas, insights and best practices about how to get results for those tough-to-accomplish aspirations

SER Tough Issues That Sabotage Business Performance
At a financial publishing business where I recently consulted, one leader describes the process that he learned to help his people uncover the issues that were sabotaging their performance and resolve them to grow into a more effective team.

How to Turn Your Team’s Decision Making into Rocket Fuel for Your Business
Some teams have the knack of making good decisions. Most don’t. A McKinsey article lays how to improve speed and quality through better decision-making. But what if you want to do more than just that? What if you want better decision-making to take your business to the next level?

Good Decision Bad Outcome
Not separating luck from decision quality in assessing outcomes often leads to learning the wrong lessons, and abandoning decisions that will, over time, yield higher cumulative returns.

Are You Ready to Implement AI into Your Business?
Most business leaders are not ready to deploy AI because they don’t have the fundamental algorithms in place to support it. Check out this video to learn more.

How to Avoid the Big Ticket of Big Data Analytics
A fundamental investment in strategic thinking with a focus on operational processes and a little guidance from a strategic analytics professional may be all you need for an immediate return with low investment.

Not Solving Problems Effectively? What May Be Missing From Your Team
Building teams that have a mix of problem-solving approaches, without maintaining an environment that leverages it, will waste a valuable asset.

What’s brewing in your cup of decision making?
In the age of information overload and shrinking attention spans, the habits we are forming in creating, communicating and consuming information relevant for decisions that we make.

Not Even an Army of Freelancers Will Help You Scale Without This …
To effectively make use of free lancers, first put Standart Operating Procedures into place.

2 Secrets To Ace Your Business Decision Every Time
A mechanism to improve business decisions can take extra time, but much less time than making the wrong decisions.

The Deep-Rooted Impulses That Undermine Your Organization
Acquiring knowledge of subconscious biases is an important prerequisite to thwarting their affect.
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SER Tough Issues That Sabotage Business Performance
The Team Style Optimizer